澎湖特有種章魚,是澎湖代表性的物種,尚未命名卻已面臨滅絕危機。海洋本是許多生物的家,取而代之定居的卻是人類縱慾繁衍的垃圾。O2 Lab長期在澎湖海邊淨灘,使用淨灘中拾起的垃圾作為創作素材。這次以澎湖小章魚代替海洋發聲,向地球法庭提出上訴。 This octopus is an endemic species of Penghu. It has not yet been named but it is already at risk of extinction. The ocean is supposed to be a home for marine life instead of a landfill for marine debris like plastics and discarded fishing gear. O2 Lab has been cleaning up the beaches in Penghu. We designs creative products and artworks using the marine litter found along the beaches. We hope that this octopus artwork can make the voice of marine life heard. team member:謝韡勃、謝韡芮、許思婕、唐采伶 & 海漂藝工隊全體隊員們 ……創作說明……………….. 澎湖因洋流及季風的關係,導致周邊國家垃圾易隨波聚集於此,希望從澎湖的淨灘行動中,讓更多人知道大海真實狀況。 經海漂實驗室小組討論後,海廢創作確定以澎湖特有種章魚為意象,設計以章魚原色紅橘暖色系去呈現。腦裡開始搜索著淨灘三年來最常看到的紅橘色海廢,章魚的八隻腳想使用不同的海廢元素去傳達海裡什麼垃圾都有的窘境。